Can You Service Your Car Radiator Yourself?
Posted on:
19 October 2018
If you're somebody who always likes to be prepared, no matter what, you may be aware that the Australian summer is rapidly approaching. While you may have been basking in some cool temperatures and seasonal variety, you know that the long, dog days are ahead and that you must make sure your car is as prepared as possible. Last summer, you may recall some issues with overheating when the mercury reached its peak, and you don't want to risk any breakdown.
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Why Do Modern Cars Seem to Fall Apart at the Slightest Collision?
Posted on:
7 September 2018
If you've been involved in a car accident that, at the time, seemed to be relatively minor, you may have been horrified when you jumped out to survey the damage. Pieces were hanging off everywhere while certain panels seemed to be bent at hideous angles, and you simply couldn't believe how this type of damage had incurred. What can you do in a situation like this?
Designed to Crumple
The good news is that it may look far worse than it actually is.
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3 Actions to Follow When Your Car Breaks Down on the Motorway
Posted on:
6 July 2018
Driving on a busy motorway means high speeds and plenty of concentration to avoid major accidents. But car break downs can sometimes happen and when you least expect it. Breaking down on the motorway can be scary because everyone is driving at high speeds, so follow these actions to stay safe when you're on a motorway at an inopportune time.
Get to the Shoulder or Emergency Break Down Lane if Available
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Diagnosing Some Common Problems With Your Vehicle's Power Steering
Posted on:
2 May 2018
Never overlook problems you might have with your vehicle's steering; not only is it unsafe to drive a car or truck when you can't fully control its steering, but many steering problems just get worse with time, so you're then facing a more expensive repair. Your vehicle's steering can also suddenly fail while you're on the road, which is obviously very dangerous, if not downright deadly. To know what you might be facing by way of needed repairs for your vehicle's steering, note a few common problems with power steering and how they're addressed.
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